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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Success Demands

Success Demands That You Set the Right Goals
“If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help
straighten out almost every other area in his life.” —Billy Graham

From the moment you begin your working life until retirement at age sixty-five, you will earn a considerable fortune—for most Americans, far more than $2 million!
The economy of North America provides unparalleled opportunities for tens of millions of us to earn an income that enables us to acquire investments and a wealthy lifestyle that was unimaginable by those who lived in all past generations.
The question is this: What will you do with this astonishing opportunity to achieve financial success?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, “the real median household income remained unchanged between 2002 and 2003 at $43,318.”
This means that the average American family will earn in excess of $2 million dollars that will pass through their hands during their working years. However, the vast majority of citizens will neither plan nor arrange their financial affairs to achieve the financial success that is clearly within their grasp.

Between now and age sixty-five you will earn the following amount:
These figures reveal the enormous economic resources you have been given to handle during your life. But the question is: How much of this fortune will you retain to invest and use to provide income during your
retirement? Ultimately, it is not what you earn, but what you save and invest that will produce financial successor failure.

If you can discipline yourself to save even 10 percent of your monthly earnings, you can wisely and conservatively invest these funds to achieve true financial independence for yourself and your family.


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