Trade with Partner
Trade Alone or With a Partner?
There are pros and cons to each alternative. If you trade alone, there will be no one to help you with your work (unless you hire employees) and there will be no one who can trade for you in your absence. Furthermore, there will be no one with whom you can discuss various markets, indicators, techniques and trades.
To those individuals who need this type of assistance, a partner or well-trained assistant might be desirable. However, before you make such decisions consider the potential negatives of having a partner.
- Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth
Futures trading is a ‘loner’s game’. Sometimes a partner or partners will get in your way. You may be influenced to avoid some trades you should have made and to make some trades you should have avoided. - Who’s Responsible?
It is always good to know that you alone have the responsibility for profits and losses. If you have a partner or partners, it may be difficult to know who is responsible for each decision.
Lacking such knowledge will slow the teaming process and may, in fact, stall it entirely. - Sharing the Profits
Do you really want to share your profits with partners? Granted, they may also share in your losses, but since you may end up with more losses if you have partners, the benefits may prove nil. - Do you Want to Share Your Research?
Many of us consider our research proprietary. We work long, hard hours to develop trading systems and methods and we may not want to share these with a partner regardless of what he or she may bring into the relationship. - Slower Decision Time
As you know, decisions in the futures markets must be made quickly. Many times the
presence of a trading partner may slow down the decision-making process and, hence,
severely limit the speed with which you can execute orders. This, as you can well imagine,
can frequently have negative results.
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